The Jackson Brothers

The Jackson brothers comprise Sung Ming and Nigel (the slacker). Jackson brothers strives to provide beautiful(ok, fine, maybe not) comics relevant to the RI way of life. If you're tired of all the emo-bloggers whining about lost loves then Jackson brothers is the place for you.

Jackson Brothers- mindless entertainment for the RI schoolboy.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


The Jackson Brothers hereby apologies for slacking during the past week. To make it up to you we shall pause the rugby profiles for a moment to present to you the 4 page issue of M:I:IIIIIIIIII.

The comic M:I:IIIIIIIIII was made somewhere in the July-August period, where the Unagi was an extremely rare resource in RI. Unagi, or the Japanese eel, was somewhat considered a delicacy to many of the student population. This food resource could only be found at the Japanese food van in RI. Due to its extreme rarity in the food van, many students desiredd after it like knights after the holy Grail. The ideal meal to every RI boy soon became a box of Unagi with rice, topped up with a cup of either Soya milk or tea. Sadly, Unagi was too rare to feed the entire student populace, and only the first few students who came down for recess would be able to sample them.Many students had to turn to other staple food sources such as chicken and salmon. However, true fanatics of the Unagi never gave up hope, sprinting down corridors during recess, in the hope that they would be the first few to reach the food the quest, for the unagi and cup.


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