The Jackson Brothers

The Jackson brothers comprise Sung Ming and Nigel (the slacker). Jackson brothers strives to provide beautiful(ok, fine, maybe not) comics relevant to the RI way of life. If you're tired of all the emo-bloggers whining about lost loves then Jackson brothers is the place for you.

Jackson Brothers- mindless entertainment for the RI schoolboy.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Phantom Sweetheart

Ok now we bring you the first page of the first chapter of the comic series, "The Phantom Sweetheart". Basically this story is done by Lim Shikai, Shazam, Kiffy Piffy, and two other dudes i dont recognize. They plan to start off this comic series together, and once they're done the story will be posted here on the JB blog.
What is this comic about? i dunno. Ask them, not me cuz I wasnt told about the story. But being a nice guy, i shall help the intellectually disbaled readers to hypothesize about what its roughly about. Firstly, the title say "The Phantom Sweetheart". From this we can guess that at least 1 ghost is involved in this story, and the element of LOVE is also in it. From the picture we can see a boy and a girl, so we can assume that the LOVE happened between them. From the picture we can also see that the boy has grotesque looking earphones, so it follows that the boy is Jonathan, as he also has grotesque looking earphones. Ok forget the last part about the earphones.
Juz talked to shikai. Apparently he has juz changed the name to Yukari's Diary. SO forget the Phantom Sweetheart too. You see the diray at the bottom on the floor? The story is all about it. The boy and the girl are, well, backdrop scenery.
I am talking rubbish. -.-
Ok on a side note, i have come to the conclusion that manga is well, not my style. Shikai is very pro at it, as we can see from the picture. But im not. I tried drawing the girl today, but its screwed. I can get the eyes, but the rest of the bod juz doesnt fit in place. Oh well. I think my bug eyed guys are nicer.
I seem to be ranting. This is very unlike me. I shall leave this post with juz two more sentences.
Sampson, yes the V day post is coming, im spamming now!
Chris, no u wont get ur profile, i said seeeeee firrrrrssst....


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