The Jackson Brothers

The Jackson brothers comprise Sung Ming and Nigel (the slacker). Jackson brothers strives to provide beautiful(ok, fine, maybe not) comics relevant to the RI way of life. If you're tired of all the emo-bloggers whining about lost loves then Jackson brothers is the place for you.

Jackson Brothers- mindless entertainment for the RI schoolboy.

Friday, February 16, 2007

V Day Special

Comments please.
Disclaimers note: After receiving feedback from a certain member of the public, we would like to inform you that The Jackson Brothers are in no way liable should the reader feel emo after the post is read. Yes, we have stated in our foreword that we wont give u emo crap, but a certain degree of real emotions have to be injected into our comics should we feel that certain points need to be brought across. However, we understand that there are people who hate emoness and risk being affected by this comic. Thus we advise that readers exercise caution and if u feel that u are an unemo person, feel free to browse through our other comics. Tank you.