The Jackson Brothers

The Jackson brothers comprise Sung Ming and Nigel (the slacker). Jackson brothers strives to provide beautiful(ok, fine, maybe not) comics relevant to the RI way of life. If you're tired of all the emo-bloggers whining about lost loves then Jackson brothers is the place for you.

Jackson Brothers- mindless entertainment for the RI schoolboy.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

probably this blog's last post

This is probably going to be JB's last post for a really long time. As such, it is my duty to make sure this comic is well-drawn and in COLOUR.

Okok, i admit it, im not that responsible. The following comic IS in colour because im submitting it for a competition.


If you've read through the competition criteria, then please do not blame the following comic for being boring, unfunny, and unbearably cliche.

Here it is.


On a side note, Keith Tan has handed me a sketch of his using fireworks, and seeing that i'll probably be too lazy to log back into blogger and post it some time later, I'm making this a double post.


Okay i'm off to trigo.

Almost forgot :P

Thanks Liu Biquan, RI prefect of 4I, head of Gryphons Commitee, for being such a wonderful consultant.