The Jackson Brothers

The Jackson brothers comprise Sung Ming and Nigel (the slacker). Jackson brothers strives to provide beautiful(ok, fine, maybe not) comics relevant to the RI way of life. If you're tired of all the emo-bloggers whining about lost loves then Jackson brothers is the place for you.

Jackson Brothers- mindless entertainment for the RI schoolboy.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


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Many of you might have seen this comic in your copies of the Rafflesian Times. Yes, i was asked to do a short piece on anything that had to do with RI, and now im getting CCA points for it. So cool right? All i have to do is draw a few pieces every year and collect my points. Now this rocks haha.

Oh yeah u might have also noticed i wasnt acknowledged, and neither was my blog url put in the newsletter. That sucks -.-